Monday, November 21, 2005

"Tommy likes motherfucking salami," I said during a computer class during my sophomore year in high school. Unfortunately the teacher was sitting right next to me. She gave me a detention, but she really should have given me some extra credit points. You know (and if you don't, you betta acts somebody) that my comments about Tom enjoying salami for lunch (or dinner) gave her some conversation to bring home to her husband (or maybe wife :) ). I can't see it now, but I'll type it -- she and her significant other sit down for dinner at 7:13 to eat their favorite dish, and amazingly enough, it's salami. She takes a bite and smirks. "What is it hunnybunch? Why you smirking? Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" The significant other starts to unbutton IT's shirt. "No. no. But maybe later. Salami usually gives me gas, so prolly not...Anyways, you should have heard what one of my students said today in class. "What did they say snookums?" "There I am kneeling next to this kid, helping another student. Out of the blue (or black; maybe even some green) he starts singing 'Tommy likes motherfucking salami'. Can you believe that snoogles?" "No...I can't".

We'll dissect the phrase significant other later?

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